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Day Walk

Sintra, Kingdom of Love - Love Stories F
O Caminheiro de Sintra - Caminhadas Noct

  caminhada diurna, visita cultural diurna
~ O Reino dos Amores de Sintra ~
  - história e lendas de Sintra -

::: Investigação Histórica e Organização:
  . Miguel Boim, O Caminheiro de Sintra
     (autor do livro Sintra Lendária - Histórias e Lendas do Monte da Lua)









::: rnaat 1808/2017

Sintra Lendária - 3ª Edição - Histórias e Lendas do Monte da Lua - Miguel Boim, O Caminheiro de Sintra

Below on this page you will find:




how to make a booking


more info on the walk

Portuguese Inquisition Guided Visit
Portuguese Inquisition Guided Visit
Âncora 1


Portuguese Inquisition Guided Visit


À direita:
Uma parte do percurso da caminhada temática O Reino dos Amores de Sintra.

fotografia de Miguel Boim
Caminhada Diurna - O Reino dos Amores de
O Reino dos Amores de Sintra - caminhada
Caminhada Diurna - O Reino dos Amores de
À esquerda:
Uma parte da caminhada diurna O Reino dos Amores de Sintra.
fotografia de Miguel Boim
À direita:
Uma das muitas vistas presentes ao longo do percurso.
fotografia de Romy Mathews
Caminhada Diurna - O Reino dos Amores de
À direita:
Miguel Boim a contar algumas das histórias da História relacionadas com O Reino dos Amores de Sintra.

fotografia de Vivian Hermes
À esquerda:
O encontro com o Palácio de Seteais.

fotografia de Romy Mathews
Caminhada Diurna - O Reino dos Amores de
Caminhada Diurna - O Reino dos Amores de


More info on the walk

your cicerone:
the author and researcher

Miguel Boim

lectures and speeches on Sintra's history to more than 12K people - as to 2018 data
in this video of the portuguese channel dedicated to culture, Miguel Boim 

gives body to Süskind's walker, Mr. Sommer

➤ Your guide and historian, on the national TV

            a dar corpo ao Senhor Sommer--------------

O Caminheiro de Sintra - caminhadas nocturnas

➤ Na RTP2

            a dar corpo ao Senhor Sommer


      Dando corpo à leitura de alguns trechos de A História do Senhor Sommer, de Patrick Süskind (mais conhecido pela obra O Perfume), no programa Literatura Aqui.
      A leitura dos trechos foi feita, como habitual, por Pedro Lamares e Filipa Leal.

➤ Na SIC

             no programa "Boa Cama Boa Mesa"


      Uma rápida aparição no programa "Boa Cama Boa Mesa" da SIC, apresentado por Martim Cabral, e como sempre a falar sobre as curiosas histórias do passado da Serra de Sintra.

The First Benefit

This is a private tour; meaning that only you and the people that you bring with you will compose the group along Miguel Boim.

and the Highlights

the most human accounts that you are not able to hear in a formal presentation of a guided visit


               the appropriate transmission of the information in the context of Sintra's past, specially about the 19th century

                             the possibility, with examples to fully understand the differences between legends, tales and accounts (with examples)


                                                     surprising facts on the intimacy and habits of the past 

Livro Sintra Lendária - apresentação Gré

the presentation of the book Sintra Lendária, in the Grémio Literário, by Basílio Horta, Mayor of Sintra Municipality

(p) Sintra Lendária - Capa - Segunda Edi

Miguel Boim being received by the students of a school in the Municipality of Sintra

second edition of Miguel Boim and Sintra's iconic book Sinta Lendária, with a deep and heartful insight on the side of History which resembles the same enchantment of legends and tales

Elucidation of the Walk

The atmosphere / environment

    This walking tour it was built so that you can see some of the most meaningful landscapes and monuments (from the outside), with them relatively close to you. This means that this tour is made during the day and that you are not going to be completely isolated and you may have some people crossing with your group.


    If the fog descends in the middle of the afternoon you may not be able to see some of the monuments from the outside and possibly some of the landscapes.


    It will be transmited for you to feel free to ask whatever you want related with Sintra's history and heritage, even if not related with the tour theme.

Monuments and Nature

    This tour happens mostly during the day and although that, you won't visit the interior of any monument. You'll see some of them (Pena Palace, Royal Palace of Sintra, Quinta da Regaleira, other less known to foreigners) close in the distance.

How have some legends emerged?

    In "Sintra, Kingdom of Love" you will be able to know the origin behind the name of some known places in Sintra, as well as some legends the folk has created to explain the names and origins of some places and monuments here in Sintra.

Are just a bundle of lovely stories?

    Even if it is named "Sintra, Kingdom of Love" it doesn't mean that all that you are going to listen from Miguel Boim are stories, or made up narratives, or accounts with an enchanted ending. Even more because some of the most beautiful love stories involve broken dreams.

Seteais Palace - Night Walk in Sintra, M

one of the places you will be passing by, in the end of the 19th century; you will have the opportunity to notice the differences by yourself


On the Day of the Walk

What will happen?

    "Sintra, Kingdom of Love" occurs in the format of a day walk. The best time to do so, it is in the after lunch so that you can enjoy the afternoon luminosity and the resplandecent green that the sunny rays provoke in the leafs.


    The meeting point will be near the historical center and you'll find some agitation in the first minutes of the walk, although after that you will enter in the green and laced forest cover. Like the path will take you to the summits were you will observe the historical center and some monuments around (Pena Palace, Sintra's Castle, other monuments less known to foreigners), you'll find some rough terrain and some obstacles that can be easily surpassed by who don't have mobility limitations.


    After it you will descend from the Mountain, listening to the wind and the waters that run over the soil in some parts, until you reach the vicinity of the population, where your eyes will find in the distance in open field, the Atlantic, the waters and tides that carrying old boats, made in the past people that were set apart, to be brought to Sintra to, in hearts, be reunited.


    The route it's about six kilometres and, with the stopping points where Miguel Boim will tell you some stories and some of the history from the past, it will take around 3h30 or 4h. If the fog descends in the middle of the afternoon you may not be able to see some of the monuments from the outside and possibly some of the landscapes. In the day before you'll be advise about the clothing, since weather can change quickly here in the Mountain. You are not going to be completely isolated, nor in a crowd.

Rights - Direitos - Miguel Boim, O Camin

one of the places you will be passing by; picture taken

by Miguel Boim in Spring time


Synopsys / Teaser

    Having the magic Sintra Mountain in front of us, where long rains of a tearful sky fall in the Winter and in the Autumn, as the mists envelop the Mountain where sorrowful lovers seek shelter and comfort in the nature, we will plunge into the past of Portugal's history, going beyond the facts and dates, entering into the hearts of Humans who lived here some of their broken dreams, who here in Sintra and in contentment have attained some of their most intense emotions.


    Memories present in journals and diaries, as well a in lost letters, will show you stories of people that portuguese know by name, but not by heart. The small details from the 1800's and 1700's society - known just for those who daily study them, like Miguel Boim - will help you to compound the fragments of the past in your chest.

Sintra Mountains view - Night Walk in Si

in the middle of Sintra Mountains, in the 18th century

On Trust and Safety

Code of Conduct

    No smoking or making noise.

    It is forbidden to take species of fauna, flora, or geological ones.

    Please stay close to the person who is guiding the group, avoiding to be absent without previous communication, in any circumstance.


    The personal data is necessary for insurance purposes as well as to fully accomplish with the legislation of the Sintra-Cascais Natural Park.

    It is necessary to provide data from third parties (close relatives or others, from the country of origin of the participants).

    Minimum age: from 12/14 years of age, according to what specified in each theme.

    By booking this activity you assume that your health conditions are perfect for walking (having in mind the ups and downs of the route) between 200 and 470 meters above sea level for around 4 hours.

    It is necessary to specify medication a participant is taking and which can be relevant for his health condition when not taken.

    This activity fully accomplishes with the required by law and fulfills the payment of the taxes implied by law.

    It is necessary that the participants proceed accordingly to what stated by the guide in the briefing as well as during the activity, as well as to what may be requested by any element of portuguese authority, of those which patrol the mountains at night: the National Guard Republican (G.N.R.), security of Parques de Sintra Monte da Lua (in SUV or on foot), Portuguese Army (in SUV or on foot), Civil Protection (in SUV or on foot), ICNF - Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e Florestas (in SUV or on foot). It is important to keep these elements in mind to know to who should you provide your idenfication if needed.

    You may ask for advice on safety in general as well as related to rented vehicles (special attention in this regard) and possible pickpockets (during the day and in crowded places).

For Your Comfort

    Do not hesitate to ask questions before the tour and as well as during the tour; it is very important that you can notice the pretended transparency.

    Proper footwear and clothing (you'll be advised on the best of both, according to the time of year and near the date weather conditions).

    Start time can be exact as well as end time; but please notice that the end time can be inaccurate - if not otherwise strictly required.

    The option for dinner in one person tour is to be taken in a non-tourist restaurant, with a liter drink, main plate, dessert, and coffee.

    Groups with two people up have no meal included.


    You can inquire where the best place to have your meals.

    Information on how to avoid tourist crowds during the day in Sintra can be requested.

    If desired, pick up and deliver in Lisbon can be required beforehand, having the extra cost of 200€ - not included in the given price - for every 4 people.

Cancellations and Refunds

    Cancellations with partial refund of the money (70% of the total amount) are possible if made until 72 hours before the begining of the activity.

    The partial refund of the money can take up to 7 days after the date of the activity.

    In case of rain the activity will be maintained; in case of warning (Aviso) or alert (Alerta) by the authorities (Civil Protection, ICNF) the activity will be canceled with the consequent refund of the amount paid (100%).

Rights - Direitos - Miguel Boim, O Camin

The Village and the Mountains in the begining of

one foggy night, by Miguel Boim

legal notice: rnaat 1808/2017

Some Images of What You May Encounter

Rights - Direitos - Miguel Boim, O Camin

In forest, as the sun is making his way down towards the ocean.

Actual picture taken from the day walk (Sintra, Kingdom of Love) route.


Photographer credits: Miguel Boim.

Rights - Direitos - Miguel Boim, O Camin

A fountain with an arab soul.

Although from the begining of the 20th century, it evokes the arab love legends related with Sintra.

Actual picture taken near route of the day walk (Sintra, Kingdom of Love).


Photographer credits: Miguel Boim.

Pena Palace guards - Night Walk in Sintr

Pena Palace drawbridge.

And what love accounts do we have from when the palace was being built?

Digital work from an old picture: Miguel Boim.

Rights - Direitos - Miguel Boim, O Camin

A wooden passage over a rivulet.

When the forest were less dense, the streams and rivulets carried away love accounts that reached us today.

Actual picture taken from the day walk (Sintra, Kingdom of Love) route.


Photographer credits: Miguel Boim.


The old Royal Palace of Sintra.

The Royal Palace it is perfect for you to understand the borders of the legends and the limits of

the legendary history - on love, of course.

Actual picture taken from the day walk (Sintra, Kingdom of Love) route.


Photographer credits: Miguel Boim.


Child Harold's Pilgrimage.

The cover of one of the first editions. Its author has exalted Sintra in a way that only a ruined heart would be able to.

Rights - Direitos - Miguel Boim, O Camin

A fall tree that has survived a storm.

Love storms are also what you are going to hear during the route. Some say that broken dreams are

the most beautiful love memories.

Actual picture taken from the day walk (Sintra, Kingdom of Love) route.


Photographer credits: Miguel Boim.

Sintra Train Station - Night Walk in Sin

The old train station.

And the place where is sit, which holds one of the deepest love accounts of Portuguese History,

though it is not valued as such.


A water fall, known in the past as the "fountain of the little kiss".

But still today, in lonely Autumn days it can hold a couple in love, the same way the couple embraces themselves.

Actual picture taken from the day walk (Sintra, Kingdom of Love) route.


Photographer credits: Miguel Boim.


informação legal: rnaat 1808/2017


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